Our Causes

Supporting education
Rotary supports activities and training to improve education for all children, and literacy for children and adults.

Saving mothers and children
Rotary supports activities and training to improve maternal health and reduce mortality for children under five years of age. Projects strengthen the health care system by improving access to and expanding medical services, providing medical equipment, and training health care personnel.

Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
Rotary supports activities that encourage the management and protection of freshwater resources and provide universal and equitable access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene. We seek to empower governments, institutions, and communities to manage their water, sanitation, and hygiene through environmentally sound, measurable, and sustainable interventions.

Promoting peace
Rotary supports training, education, and practices related to peacebuilding and conflict prevention through initiatives that help transform conflict in our communities and around the world.

Fighting disease
Rotary supports activities that reduce the causes and effects of disease. Projects strengthen the health care system by improving access to and expanding medical services, providing medical equipment, or training health care personnel.

Growing local economies
Rotary supports investments in people and communities to alleviate poverty, creating measurable and enduring economic improvements in poor and underserved areas.