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If you have any comments or questions, please contact the eBulletin Editor Krista Mastaler
From our District Foundation Chair - here's a way to contribute to the COVID-19 crisis in India.  
As you have no doubt heard India is currently trying to find their way through a horrible crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The biggest issue seems to be a lack of oxygen and related ventilators.  I have heard from many throughout our district that they would like to find a way to help.  This week I was able to connect with our Rotary friends in District 7080 (Southern Ontario) on a project that they have put together.  Attached is a brief summary and options on how to contribute to this effort.  Not included in the summary is that D7080 has found a partner that is matching dollar for dollar all contributions they receive in this effort.
At the district level we working with the Rotary club of Jaipur Round Town, Rajhastan, India to help fund a global grant project to provide an oxygen plant for a local hospital which will be used not only for COVID relief but also on an ongoing basis after the pandemic.  We are providing US$20,000 from our District Designated Funds (DDF) which is being matched by the world fund and Jaipur Round Town is providing a further US$43,000 for the project.
If you want more detailed instructions on how to help please click here.
Budget Policy Final Draft
Please read over this draft policy and send feedback to Mark Radke at
Upcoming Speakers
May 27th- We will have representatives from the Parkland School Division to present the Youth Internship Incentive Program.  More information can be found at: and
June 3rdMayor Stuart Houston from the City of Spruce Grove will be joining us to provide an update on city initiatives.
June 10thSpruce Grove GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) will be joining us to tell us about the picnic table project our club assisted with through Project of Passion.  
Past Rotary Meetings
Want to catch up on past Rotary Meetings?  Click the links to watch a recording of our zoom meetings. 
Still to come:
October 15, 2020
November 26, 2020
IMPORTANT: New Zoom Link for Weekly Meetings
Zoom has changed its security settings and that has necessitated that we change the link to the weekly meetings.  This new link will remain the same every week, so keep it handy.  If you ever forget it, you can visit and click About Our Club - Meeting Info and Location.
If you already have the Zoom app on your device, you can join by entering the meeting ID and password.
Meeting ID: 8320 2844 582
Password: 658203
Have Information for The Rotary RAP?
Have a Rotary Story, pictures from a Rotary Social and/or information for the Rotary RAP?  
Send me (Krista) an email: by Sunday evenings at the latest so that I can include it in the weekly RAP on Mondays!
Thanks everyone!!!!
Although every effort is made to ensure that the content of this eBulletin is faithful to the Rotary Four Way Test, readers should be aware that this publication is not the official record of decisions made by the Rotary Club of Spruce Grove.  The approved minutes of the Club constitute the one and only such record.