From Barry Twynam who was there that day, following is a little blurb and photos. For new members who may not know what this service is, You Can Ride 2 helps special needs kids learn how to ride a bike. Our club has been a supporter by raising money and donating volunteer hours.
YouCanRide2 isn’t just about giving special needs kids a bike and teaching them to ride. It is about the dignity, freedom and fun that most of us take for granted. It is about finding the right bike, adjusting it to maximize the limited ability some of these kids have and making sure they have an adequate braking system when they decide to take flight. Many of these kids suffer from conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, spina bifida. Some of these kids may never walk, but can be taught to ride a bike. It is one of those experiences that you can only truly appreciate seeing the transformation first hand. From when a parent brings in their child for the first time, in some cases kids screaming and kicking at this strange experience. You will see at times 4-5 volunteers (most of them physio therapists) hoving around the child taking measurements, making adjustments and at all times reassuring the child along the way. With their new bike complete the child starts off slow with parents and volunteers with outstretched arms ready to support any misstep. The expression of joyful tears from parents is priceless soon giving way to the realization they need to chase down their kids as they explore their new found freedom. Now they can feel like “normal” kids and can share the experience with family and friends. The impact to the family dynamic is huge. “Look mom I’m flying”! To know more about YouCanRide2, to volunteer or donate to this important program, go to