Tammy Svenningsen classification speech
Posted by Thomas Miller
on Jun 04, 2015
Our club got to know new member Tammy Svenningsen a little better at our May 28 meeting.
Many of us know Tammy through her work at the Spruce Grove Public Library and through the Rotary family as well (her husband Jason is a member of the Stony Plain club) ... but now that Tammy has joined the club, we had to get to know her better!
Tammy grew up in Joffre, Alberta and went to Lacombe High School where her principals were both Rotarians.
In fact, one of those principals was her very first library board chair when she got into the business, which was somewhat by accident.
Tammy, an aspiring lawyer, thought library school might help her in that regard.
After an adventurous year in the United Kingdom, Tammy moved home to start her career, met Jason and started a family.
Together they have two kids, and in 2014 they gained another, taking custody of her brother's son.
She started at SGPL in 2004 and has been a great part of our community ever since.
Welcome, Tammy Svenningsen, to the Rotary Club of Spruce Grove!
Below: Tammy and her family.