We've launched our social media project to show gratitude to essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In conjunction, we've also expanded our social media presence. You can now follow the club @SGRotaryClub on Twitter and Instagram in addition to finding us on Facebook. Here's how you can participate:
- On your own Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account (or all three!), share a gratitude message about an individual or a vocation that you want to recognize. Make sure your post includes "@SGRotaryClub #ServiceAboveSelfSG" so that it shows up on our club's feed as well and gets associated with the hash tag.
- You can also go to the club's Facebook's page and type your message where it says "Write a post..". Still be sure to include the hashtag #ServiceAboveSelfSG.
- If you're not inclined to use social media yourself, simply email President Brad your message and he'll post it as the club. Let me know if you want it attributed to you or if you want it anonymous.