News from Bill Stumbaugh, our Rotarian partner from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador...
Dear Fellow Rotarians Supporters of Project Santa Teresa,
On Saturday, October 19, the Santa Teresa community water system was inaugurated by the community water board with Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Bahia de Caraquez present as well as the local director of the Ministry of Water. This is a huge achievement for the community, and the support of the several international Rotary Clubs was critical for this humanitarian improvement.
Attached are several photos showing different aspects of the event including two separate ribbon cuttings--one at the treatment plant and storage cistern and tank as well as at the water meter at one of the beneficiary´s home. Also photos of various individuals speaking to commemorate the event.
Note the temporary, large banner listing all of the contributing clubs. Each of yours should be indicated. A permanent sign of the same design is being constructed at this time and when completed will be placed in the community.
We'll continue with the school and community training about best practices for personal hygiene and protection of water sources.
Thanks for all your support.
Bill Stumbaugh
Rotary Club of Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador