Posted by Tammy Svenningsen
on Nov 14, 2015
Rotary Leadership Institute; Part 1 Me and Rotary
Rotary 5370 District Office
Nov 14, 2015
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Rotary 5370 District Office
Nov 21, 2015
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
LI Part 1- “Me and Rotary” is a one day workshop helping to expand your Rotary knowledge beyond the club level and to learn about the bigger picture of Rotary International. The session shares practical tips, ideas and resources from Rotary International that will assist you in your current and future Rotary roles.
The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) was created as a grass roots initiative to help Rotarians build their leadership skills, both in their professional lives and as Rotarians. To provide this training, our district has partnered with Rotary Districts 5360 and 5550 making up the “Prairie Division” of RLI.
There are 3 RLI training modules and also opportunities for participants to become facilitators. This training has proven to help strengthen clubs because participants learn so much about Rotary in a condensed period of time. The more Rotarians know about Rotary, the better their experience will be.
This training is beneficial to board members in their leadership roles and also provides a great orientation for any members who are in their first five years of service. A perfect opportunity to share ideas, experiences and improve your Rotary knowledge.
Cost: Each workshop is offered at a very reasonable rate of $50 per person. This fee covers your workshop materials, food and refreshments.
Be sure to check with your Club President to determine if there are training funds you can access.
For more information contact:
Edith Martin
District RLI Chair