Dianne Brown classification speech
Posted by Thomas Miller
on Jun 22, 2015
New Rotarian Dianne Brown gave a heart-felt classification speech during our June 11 meeting.
Most of us already knew Dianne through her great work at Auggie's Cafe or with the Parkland Potters Guild, but there's so much about Dianne Elizabeth Brown (so named due to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II around the time of her birth) that we didn't know at the time!
Below: Dianne Brown (right) accepts the Community Volunteer Award at the 2014 Chamber of Commerce Awards. - Photo courtesy the Spruce Grove Examiner

Dianne is a fundraiser at heart who misses her father dearly.
She did some of her best work with the Edmonton Christmas Buro, and has been a director of the North Central Co-op.
Dianne, wants to be just like her 82-year-old mother, a life-long learner, when she grows up.
Thanks Dianne, and welcome to Rotary!