Here's some info on a few of ways you can get involved in the community right now. Talking Buddies doesn't even require you to leave your home to be of service to your fellow human. Wonderful! Click on the link at the bottom of this article to learn more.
- Drive-By Birthday Parties
- Talking Buddies: Senior Isolation Prevention
- People HELPING People
Drive-By Birthday Parties
The community member who was hoping to arrange Drive-By Birthday Parties, hasn't given permission to share her contact info with the club yet (she hasn't denied it either... she just hasn't gotten back to us.) In the meantime, if you're interested in participating or know a child who wants one, please email President Brad. If the originator of the idea happens to not get back to us, we might just do something spearheaded by the club.
Talking Buddies: Senior Isolation Prevention
Forwarded to us by way of Dave Oldham. He thought Rotarians might be interested to help!
My name is Melanie Elhafid and I am a second year medical student at the University of Toronto. I grew up in Stony Plain and have been very involved in the community for over a decade in various volunteer and humanitarianism projects. I am also a SGCHS alumni and past valedictorian (2015).
Due to the pandemic, I am back in my beloved town of Stony Plain starting a tri-community initiative to support our seniors and provide them with some social comfort. The project is called Talking Buddies and I am recruiting volunteers! I would really appreciate it if you could please distribute the following information to your students who could be an invaluable ressource for this community initiative!
What is Talking Buddies?
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a serious impact on all Canadians. Seniors, in particular, are likely the most vulnerable members of our society under these difficult and exceptional times.
- Talking Buddies is a community initiative to address the growing risk of social isolation in seniors and its negative impacts.
- Our objective is to connect community volunteers with seniors in the community via phone calls to provide social comfort. This initiative aims to reduce the significant problem of social isolation amongst seniors, which could increase the risk of conditions such as depression and in extreme cases leading to hospitalization and mortality.
How can you help?
Become a volunteer!
- We are looking for volunteers who would be able to phone an assigned elderly friend(s) at least once every week for an estimated 20 minute phone call. General topics of conversation could be provided. Volunteers will be asked to report weekly to a volunteer coordinator on their volunteer work.
- Application form:
- Spread the word!
- Please spread this form around to anyone you think may be interested in helping our most vulnerable population during this crisis!
- If you know of any seniors who would be interested in participating in this program, please ask them to contact me directly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Melanie Elhafid, B.Sc
MD Candidate 2022
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
Cell phone: 780-719-8642
Home phone number: 780-963-1324
People HELPING People
Prospective Rotarian Pat Hansard has taken the initiative to start a Facebook group called People Helping People whose purpose is that which our club contemplated at last week's meeting. A simple spot online for people who need jobs done to connect with people who want to do them. Our club will be promoting this group on its social media feeds. If you're a Facebook user, check it out: