Community Services, 2016-17
Service above self is Rotary's principal motto, which means that every Rotarian is responsible for finding ways to improve the quality of life in his or her community, and in those around the world, through service.
Rotary's reputation is built on service projects based on community need. This includes a focus on determining "hands-on" projects within our community that Spruce Grove Rotarians can add value to. The goal of the Spruce Grove Community Service Committee is to conduct service projects that ensure the proper use of club funds, benefit those in need and address real and current community concerns.
Examples of current hands-on projects include the Highway Clean-up and the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic.
Through Community Service, the Rotary Club of Spruce Grove directly funds over 20 local non-profit organizations. Contributions range from large donations that sustain organizations, to smaller contributions that enhance services or facilitate annual events that would not occur without financial support.
The Community Service portfolio also includes 2 sub-committees:
Connecting with Our Aboriginal Neighbors Committee:
- Originally a Rotary District 5370 initiative, the purpose of this committee is to build partnerships with the Aboriginal community and close historical, systemic barriers while raising awareness of the challenges faced by Aboriginal people in our local area and beyond. This committee brings together the Rotary Clubs of Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and Parkland After Dark, local libraries, Chambers of Commerce, Indigenous Nations and various partners, the RCMP, municipalities, and interested individuals who have coordinated several successful initiatives and projects.
Major Projects Committee: Assesses the feasibility and coordination of major projects in our local community. Past projects include the Rotary Playscape, Parkland Food Bank expansion and the Ecole Broxton Park Playground.