The Rotary Club of Spruce Grove invites you to become a partner! Let's build communities together!
Your partnership support will enable us to fund projects and programs, in whole or in part, in the areas Rotary calls:
- Community Service
- Youth Service
- Vocational Service
- International Service
As Rotarians, we promise to follow our Four-Way Test when judging which projects or programs we support using the funds raised from our partners:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
100% of all funds provided by our partners go toward projects or programs that we have judged meet our Four-Way Test. We are a volunteer organization, so we do not incur administrative costs regarding the projects or programs we support. For more information on our projects and partnership opportunities, please check out our information package.
If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a partner or a Rotarian, please attend one of our meetings, or contact us at info@sprucegroverotary.org or phone 587-763-0250.